Funded by BBC Children in Need, this series is in collaboration with the Dance Improvisation company Small things.

The improvised performances take place biannually.  In June 2018 our first improvised tour took place on Renal Dialysis, 1C Cardiac, 3A surgical and 4B Neuromedical. 

Feedback from a parent of long term patient, “It was lovely, you all gave us the chance once more to enjoy moments with our daughter. Having been in this building for a long time you help us to remember that it’s possible to smile, play and share with everyone our feelings. And this is possible because of all of you! Gracias!”

Staff feedback, “Fabulous! My patient really enjoyed it, her heart rate decreased whilst the dancers performed to music.”

“Very moving, lovely dancing. My daughter was in a trance!”

“The music and dance turned a hospital visit into a really happy time. We all enjoyed it-a great experience!”